How to create data table in figma using variable | How to delete selected table row in figma using local variable concept

 Data Table With Row Selection & Deletion with figma variables | Dynamic table with user actions

Easy step by step interaction to crate data table using local variables and variable modes in figma

Data Table With Row Selection & Deletion using figma variables 

Dynamic table with user actions like row selection checkbox and delete row.

row selection required message as modal popup and row deletion success message as  toast message.

In this video :

  • how to create data table in figma using variables
  • how to create dynamic table using variables
  • how user can delete the row from table
  • how to make row selection
  • how to use conditional modal popup
  • how to use conditional toast message
  • how to use local variable in figma
  • how to pass through layers in figma
  • how to use variable modes in figma
  • how to create reusable table using figma variables
  • how to create components in figma using variables
